Book: Half Way Home
Author: Hugh Howey
Pages: 242
This is my 27th read for the year
Amazon says:
We woke in fire. 500 colonists have been sent across the stars to settle an alien planet. Vat-grown in a dream-like state, they are educated through simulations by an artificial intelligence and should awaken at 30 years old, fully trained, and ready to tame the new world. But 15 years into their journey, an explosion on their vessel kills most of the homesteaders and destroys the majority of their supplies. Worse yet, the 60 that awaken and escape the flames are only half-taught and possess few useful survival skills. Naked and terrified, the teens stumble from their fiery baptism ill-prepared for the unfamiliar and harsh alien world around them. Though they attempt to work with the colony AI to build a home, dissension and misery are rampant, escalating into battles for dominance. Soon they find that their worst enemoy isn't the hostile envoronment, the AI or the blast that nearly killed them. Their greatest danger is each other.
I was originally excited to find this book at a used book store because I loved the Silo series by this author. I read the back cover and it sounded right up my ally (dystopain, new world finding) but I should have paid better attention to the fact that all the characters were 15 years old. This wasn't well written - even for a YA book. It was childish and unbelievable. Main character is very weak to the point of silly. I did look this up and it was one of his earlier books, so maybe that was the problem? It didn't seem like the same author from the Silo series.
Stars: 2
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