Top Ten Tuesday was started by
That Artsy Reader. Check out her blog and try this fun game for yourself!
Today's topic is: Books On My TBR List That I Am Avoiding Reading And Why.
This one isn't a complicated one. People recommend books to me all the time. I stick them on the list and then I think....I will get to them at some point. And then months or years go by and I still haven't read them. Reasons are always varied. But they don't seem to get any closer to the top of the list.
These are in no particular order.
1) Middlemarch
This one was recommended to me by a friend. And it is on the list of "Top 100 Books to Read Before You Die". It is a classic. So I put it on the list. Even though, truthfully, it may remain there for a long time. I have read several classics, and really struggled with a lot of them. BUT - I do try to read at least one every year, so maybe this year this will be the one I pick up. Maybe.
2) War And Peace
Okay- this one will probably remain on the TBR list until I get to the end of time. SO BIG. Which I shouldn't use as my first reason not to read it, considering I have read the Game of Thrones series. I am not sure it would even interest me. I keep it on the list partically because I feel like I have to. Shouldn't EVERYONE read War and Peace? I would say no. But then I, maybe someday I will be bored just enough to pull this one out and try it. Maybe.
3) The Lord Of The Rings
I am actually interested in reading this series. After reading Game of Thrones, I feel like I would really enjoy this series if I gave it a chance. I did watch the movies. Didn't love those, but they weren't terrible. I mean it is JRR Tolkien. I am just not sure I want to start a heavy trilogy. And those books never seem to fit into the challenges I am trying each year. So it might need to stay on the TBR a little longer.
4) The Devine Comedy
Another one that is on the 100 To Read list. I have it on my shelf. I look at it all the time. I even bought a cliffsnotes guide to help me get through it. I pull it down, I look at it, and I put it back. It is just daunting. But I WANT to read it. We have seen Rodin's sculptures in Paris and Botticelli's art related to the book, and it intrigued me. I need to make a point to read this one.
5) Dark Tower Series
I am a huge Stephen King fan. I have read almost all of his books. These sit on my shelf (my husband read them) and I still have not got to them. I really need to, but there are a lot of them. I keep thinking that one year I am going to do a challenge where I just read book series. Maybe then I will get to this one.
6) A Brief History Of Time
Stephen Hawking is amazing. There is no denying it. I have seen the movie and several documentaries, but have never read this book. It is HUGE. And it seems like it would be an incredibly hard read. I think I would be really proud of myself if I conquered it. PLUS - I am extremely interested in the content, so I think that would help. So.......someday.
7) Great Expectations
Ah, Charles Dickens. I read "A Christmas Carol" and did enjoy it very much. Different than the movies, which was a nice surprise. (not a lot, but some). We did a Charles Dickens tour the last time we were in London, which was a lot of fun. I watched the movie about his life. I wanted to put all of his books on my list. And there they sit. Haven't moved them up to the top yet. Again - other things just get put in front of it. Reading challenges, popular books......the classics just keep circling the bottom of my TBR pile.
8) Les Miserables
I just recently bought a beautiful, leather bound edition of this book. This is one of my husband's favorite stories. I have seen the musical on Broadway 4 times. I do not love it. I don't. It is depressing. The music? Beautiful. The story? Haunting. I do have the book on my TBR list. I keep wondering if it will be better than the musical. More depth. More character development. But it is so big. And so sad. Not sure I really want to tackle it.
9) The Complete Sherlock Holmes
My husband is the biggest Sherlock Holmes fan. We have visited the house in London. He has read all the books. We have a beautiful leather bound collections book. I have not ever opened it. I look at it all the time. Run my hand over the book, pick it up occasionally.....and then put it back. I am sure the stories are amazing. I need to read them. I WANT to read them. I just can't bring myself it get into them. No good reason.
10) Americanah
I had actually put this on two different reading challenges for two different years. And then I never got to it. Well - actually for the one reading challenge, I discovered it wasn't going to fit where I needed it to, so I took it out. BUT - it still remains something that I really want to read. The reviews for this book were incredible, so I want to get to it. Soon.
That is my list. What is on yours?