Book: Life As We Knew It
Author: Susan Beth Pfeffer
Pages: 352
This is my 140th read for the year
This story is told through journal entries of a teenager named Miranda. A meteor hits the moon and knocks it closer to earth. This causes catastrophic problems - tsunamis, volcano erruptions, fires, loss of power, change in temperature. Throughout the course of a year after the meteor hits, Miranda journals the journey her family took to try and stay alive. From her mom's forward thinking of getting all they could at the beginning of the tragedy, to Miranda's final ditch effort to go and find help when they were as desperate as they could get.
This is definitely a YA book and I need to judge it as such. You need to remember when reading this that Miranda is a 16 year old girl with a 16 year old brain. However - at a few points in the book I did feel that Miranda was written more like a 10-12 year old. She was a very immature character for a large portion of the book. The redeeming for me was that I liked the overall idea. She kept the problems for this family realistic. Not big floods or earthquakes but chance of starvation or freezing to death or chancing getting sick or hurt without anyone to help. Not being able to move south because where would you go? I just didn't overly love the characters.
She wrote 3 more books in this series so I might check out the second one to see where it goes.
Stars: 3
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