Breathe To Read

Breathe To Read

Monday, August 26, 2024

Book: The Tommy Knockers

 Book: The Tommyknockers

Author: Stephen King

Pages: 558

This is my 145th read for the year

This is the story of Bobbi Anderson.  One day while walking in the woods with her dog, she came upon a gray metal box in the ground.  She feels like it has been buried 1000s of years, and becomes obsessed with digging it out.  As she does, she and the people in the town start to change.  They start to "become".  They start inventing things that they would never have been able to do before.  People start to disappear.  The towns people cannot leave the town and when outsiders come to the town, they get violently ill.  Bobbi's friend Gard comes to twon when Bobbi is deeply involved with digging and tries to get her away.  But the aliens have such a deep hold on she and the town that he isn't sure he can rescue her in time.

This was a pretty good book.  I watched the TV series years ago, but never read the book.  It is well written and I got drawn into the story of what was going on with the town.  The story flows well between Bobbi and the rest of the towns people, and then Gard when he arrives.  The only thing is, or course like most King books, is that he does have verbal diahrrea and rambling issues when he writes.  With this one, I didn't find it too bad, though.  I didn't feel the need to skip passages just to get to the point often which was good.

Stars: 4

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