Book: Angela's Ashes
Author: Frank McCourt
Pages: 368
This is my 42nd read for the year
This is the story of the author's childhood. Starting from his short time as a small child in America, and then his middle and teenage years in Ireland. One tragedy after another befalls his family. He grows up extrememly poor in Ireland with many siblings and an absentee father. They barely have enough money to feed themselves and cloth themselves and the ups and downs he and his family experienced are astounding. His drem is to save enough money and move to America. Frank weaves a story of how he and his family barely survived a father who barely worked and drank his wages away, and how hard it was to just stay alive.
This was a really depressing story. It is well told, however, and that helped. I could picture where he grew up - down to the smell and desparation. It is a raw, heartbreaking story and makes me thankful for the childhood I had. I know I am late to the game reading this one, and I have never seen the movie. I am glad I finally pulled it from my TBR pile.
Stars: 4
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