Breathe To Read

Breathe To Read

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Read The World - Venezuela - The Haciedena

 Book: The Hacienda

Author: Lisa St. Aubin de Taran

Pages: 352

Book takes place in the country: YES

Author is from the country: NO - but she lived there for 7 years with her husband

I have visited: NO

This is my 4th book for the year

This is the author's own story of her time in Venezuela.  She spent 7 years on her husband's family's Hacienda.  She was in her teens when she married a man in his 40s.  Her husband has fled the country as a political criminal, and once he was able to return, he wanted to run the Hacienda himself.  However - due to mental illness, or what could just be lack of care, he never did run the Hacienda.  Lisa barely saw her husband, and when she did, he usually had a fit of rage.  She spent 7 years trying to help run The Hacienda,and raise her daughter, before she finally escapes.  

This was a pretty good book.  I found it well written and was very intriqued with the story.  A very young girl who was swept away by an older man who chased her constantly to marry him and then just leaves her to fend for herself.  The trials she went through and the conditions she lived in will leave you bewildered and shaking your head.  I cannot even imagine sticking it out as long as she did considering what she was dealing with.  She didn't have the greatest upbringing or parental remodel so that could be part of it.  I also wish she would have written more from when she left Venezuela and her life after her escape and how she recovered.  But she didn't.  So it left me wondering.

Stars: 3

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