I finished 22 books in the month of Feb., and in another day I will have another done. Moving right along.
Today I am reviewing: Life Is A Bowl of Cherries - What am I doing in the pits?
It was under the cateogory: A Book With Fruit In The Title
This is a comedic book taking a swipe at domestic dilemmas. There isn't much else to say about this book - there are quips and quotes about different parts of life - husbands, children, mothers, marriage....
This book was written quite awhile ago. I was reading it while I was visiting my mother, and she remembers reading it when she was younger. That made a lot of sense because I didn't really find this book all that funny. I chuckled a time or two, but for the most part, I did little more than smile at what she was writing. I know it was mostly because I really couldn't relate to it. IT was written in the 60's, so what did I expect.
I don't really recommend it because most of my friends would probably agree that this book wouldn't be funny. So.....eh
Stars: 2
When I was a kid, my grandparents had a summer cottage where we spent a lot of time during vacation. This book was on a shelf there! I remember looking at the title throughout my childhood, thinking it was a funny name, but never being interested enough to actually pick it up and read any of it. Very strange.