This review is for
A Midsummer Night's Dream
This was under the category: A Play By Shakespeare
This is the story of several people. In Athens - Egeus wants his daughter Hermia to marry Demetrius. Or become a nun. Those are her only two choices. But Hermia is in love with another - names Lysander - and makes plans with him to run away and get married away from Athens. In the meantime - Helena is in love with Demetrius, but he not with her. Demetrius loves Hermia. Helena finds out about Hermia and Lysander's plans, and tells Demetrius.
On the night that Hermia and Lysdander escape to the woods, a fairy king and queen are having a fight over a little boy. To have some fun, the Fairy King decides to put some love potion in the eyes of his queen to make her fall in love with a local weaver named Nick Bottom (confused yet)? The king's henchman, Puck, is also supposed to put that love potion in Demetrius' eyes so that he falls in love with Helena and leaves Hermia to be with Lysander. But Puck gets confused, and puts the love potion in Lysander's eyes, and he falls in love with Helena.
In the end - all is righted with the couples, and the silliness ends
I am sure most people in the world have read Shakespeare at some point in their lives. This is a comedy, and one of my favorites. I have read this play many years ago (I have read them all, so a re-read was my only choice for this category). But I read it only in Shakesperian, and I found a novel that translated it into modern English. That made it much more enjoyable, and I had forgotten a lot about the play, so it helped.
This play has one of my favorite lines, and it hangs in my daughter's room here at our house: "Though she may be but little, she is fierce". My youngest is a teeny thing, so it fits her perfectly.
I enjoyed this book. Shakespeare plays are tough reads. Especially if you don't have some notes, or an easier version to read. least for me. But I recommend this one because no one died - which is a nice change.
Stars: 4
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