Breathe To Read

Breathe To Read

Monday, November 18, 2019

Read The World - Belize - The Last Flight Of The Scarlet Macaw

Book: The Last Flight of the Scarlet Macaw
Author: Bruce Barcott
Pages: 313
Book takes place in the country: YES
Author is from the country: NO
I have visited: NO

This is my 142nd read for the year

This is the true story of Sharon Matola - the "zoo lady" who has devoted her life to the safety of the wild animals in Belize.  When she discovers that a big power company plans to build a dam right where the last remaining Scarlet Macaw's nest is in Belize, she knows she is in for a fight to stop the build.  

The story follows how she, and a pieced together team, fight the dam all the way to court to try and save these endangered birds.  The author pieces together how globalization and a growing demand for power are killing off species all over the globe.  He shows how one woman risks everything to save this bird and the land around it.

This was a pretty good book.  It had some dry parts, where it gets very involved with the history of some of the government and power companies involved in the fight, but the parts revolving around Sharon and the animals were very interesting.  She is a power house in the world of animal conservation and the zoo she has built for injured animals.  She is an American that picked up her life 36 years ago and hasn't looked back.  She had a mission and a passion and she stuck with it - even when hard times hit.

This was a great find, this book.  I am intrigued to visit her at her zoo and Belize in the future.  I would like to meet someone who had that much passion for our ever disappearing wild animals.

Stars: 4

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