Breathe To Read

Breathe To Read

Monday, March 19, 2018

2018 Challenge - Book #44- We Were The Lucky Ones

Today's Review

We Were The Lucky Ones
Author: Georgia Hunter
Pages: 416

This story follows the Kurc family - 3 generations in total - starting in 1939.  WW II is about to being, and this family is Jewish.  They live in the town of Radom, Poland, but soon they are split up.  Some flee, some are forced into exile, and some are sent to concentration camps.  Each person has a story to share, and their struggle to survive is propelled that some day they will see each other again.

This was the first book I have read about WWII where the characters were from Poland.  I have read how bad it was in Poland, but to read the horror on these pages made it that much more forefront in my mind.  The story, over all, was good.  Each chapter dove into the lives of certain members of this family, and told the story of what was happening to them on a personal level.  But each chapter was also connecting those characters to the rest of their family.  All of them working on a common goal to get back to each other no matter what.

If I had to give any criticism about the book is that it was a bit too long.  I found my mind wondering at some points - feeling that things were too drawn out.  This made it a little slow moving, and some chapters were better than others.  Some of the stories were heart wrenching and I couldn't stop reading until the end of the chapter.  Yet others dragged.

Overwall- good book.  I would recommend it with the knowledge that there might be times where you want to skim.

Stars: 4

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