The book I read this time was "The Night Circus"
This book was in the category: A Book With Magic
This was a great book. Different - don't get me wrong - but great. It was set in the late 1800's early 1900s. It is about two young people - a man and a woman - who have magic abilities. The girl's father and "The man in the gray suit" enter these two into a challenge. These are bound to the challenge as children and never told about the other person. The winner gets to live.
What they develop is the Night Circus. Each piece of the circus, and all the people that are a part of it are a part of the challenge. And eventually, they figure out who their challenger is, meet, fall in love......
The story is lovely. It bounces all over the place over the course of 30 years so you have to be paying attention. The other characters are developed almost as much as the two challengers, which I really liked.
I recommend it. And I give it 5 stars.
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